Posts Tagged ‘Managed aquifer recharge’


A recap of the International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge

By Kes Murray Attending the 11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (ISMAR 11) in California, USA, 2022: A Hydro geologists perspective  In April 2022, I had the pleasure of making the trip over to the United States of America to attend and present at ISMAR 11 in Long Beach, California. The International Symposium on […]

Posted on 15 May 2022 under Interesting Groundwater Topics, Knowledge Hub.


Client Testimonial

Thank you for the final version of this report. I’ve cross-checked my previous comments and they have been addressed more than adequately. This is a top quality final product.

We’ll take it forward from here as part of the overall SEA, and building an effective model for managing development and maintaining ecosystem services into the future.

— Paul Lochner – CSIR

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